Vision, Missions and Values

Our Vision :

  • To be the first choice for organisations’ that need professional and honest consultancy.

Our Mission :

  • To work hard to offer consultancy to our clients that is honest and objective. To take advantage of our expertise, skills, studies and research to provide innovative solutions that improve the performance of our customers’ business and achieve sustainable success for them, their partners, their suppliers, their employees, their customers and their community.

Our Values :

  • Commitment
– Our commitment is to our clients sustainable success.
  • Pioneer
– Pioneer is our Unique Selling Point (USP) where we always apply the highest level of professional standards and utilise state-of-the-art techniques.
  • Cutting Cost
– Effectiveness and reducing costs is an important element to achieve sustainable success.
  • Leadership
– Working hard to enable our clients to lead the market they work in.
  • Innovation
– Innovation is the best way to solve problems and overcome obstacles and achieve success.
  • Sustainability
– Sustainability is a mindset making us create long – term solutions in order to achieve our goals and maintain them.

Message From Founder :

I would like to sincerely thank you for visiting this website and take opportunity to introduce Ertiqa Consultancy.

In today’s highly competitive business environment being ahead of opponents comprises of devising the correct strategies, implementing efficient business processes, integrating cutting edge technologies and aligning with the right business partners who can add value to lead the business to its new heights.

I am also pleased to inform you that in order to meet your challenging business needs of our valued customers, at Ertiqa Consultancy we offer a wide range of services and comprehensive plans including strategic consulting, sustainable marketing, investment advisory, business process improvements, and human resource consulting.

We can provide you a commercially viable, focused and fit for the purpose business solutions to diverse clients like you while mapping our services & solutions with respect to your industry specific requirements.

While working in different sectors, we fully understand that every company is a unique and must be approached with solutions which are tailored to their distinctive needs and designed to achieve their desired business key outcomes.

We take pride for unique combination of both innovative ideas and real-world executive experience with pertinent experience & expertise to help our clients transform their businesses and create a new vibrant future for their business.

We look forward to having a meeting with you to discuss the critical business problems faced by you and offer you pertinent solutions from our unique services & products for your success.

We would also like to share our success stories to show you that through our unique combination of strategic planners and plans implementers, you are in perfectly safe hands.

Khaled Yasin Estef
Founder / Managing Director